Friday, July 13, 2012

A new journey

Well, I'm off again...


  1. Off to study the Mayans! After one week on the beautiful (really incredibly beautiful) Yale campus I am ready to see it for myself. We have studied how to read glyphs (they are phonetic) we have learned about the 3 Mayan calendars (the world is not ending on Dec 21 2012, in fact their calendar goes on for several thousand years more)and we heard poetry read in one of the Mayan languages, of which there are 28 different Mayan languages spoken by several million people.Over the next week one of the adventures I'm looking forward to is going down the Usumicinta River to stay with the Lancandon Indians. Among the indigenous people there are over 62 language groups.We'll be in the jungle for a few days, no internet or cell phone service. Got bug spray?
